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New Beginning Deserves A New Look

I am not a girly-girly (if you can say that) type of woman. I am neither a tomboy nor too feminine. I am in between. But I am not plain. My style's a "bit" of everything (but in a cohesive, well- thought manner). This applies to every aspect of me. Be it in my fashion sense, my attitude, outlook in life, how i socialize or even when it comes to the food i eat. This is me.  Open-minded. Maybe, too open-minded. I started, well, i opened  a blogger account early this year. I had several blog accounts on other sites (i.e. tumblr ). My page was all black with red texts. It was really dark (i just realized that earlier). I had several unpublished posts and a couple of published ones. Then i stopped. I stopped blogging for so many reasons. One of the reasons (which is really not a valid one i think) was that I moved here in California. I forgot. I completely pushed the urge to blog or even just the idea of doing it all the way to the back of my head. Maybe, even outside my h

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Hi There! I AM BAAAAACK!!!!! (hopefully)

first attempt