New Beginning Deserves A New Look

I am not a girly-girly (if you can say that) type of woman. I am neither a tomboy nor too feminine. I am in between. But I am not plain. My style's a "bit" of everything (but in a cohesive, well- thought manner). This applies to every aspect of me. Be it in my fashion sense, my attitude, outlook in life, how i socialize or even when it comes to the food i eat.

This is me. 


Maybe, too open-minded.

I started, well, i opened  a blogger account early this year. I had several blog accounts on other sites (i.e. tumblr). My page was all black with red texts. It was really dark (i just realized that earlier). I had several unpublished posts and a couple of published ones. Then i stopped. I stopped blogging for so many reasons. One of the reasons (which is really not a valid one i think) was that I moved here in California. I forgot. I completely pushed the urge to blog or even just the idea of doing it all the way to the back of my head. Maybe, even outside my head!

Then I was bored. So bored.

I started reading blogs. I love possessionista, wendy's lookbook, & lomography. I was also caught by some random tumblr blogs (is it ok to talk so much about tumblr here?! haha!). Then, one of my friend Jen (helloviellobits!) started posting her blogger posts on facebook. That made me think about restarting my blog.

I opened my blog page and thought it was ok. i started browsing other Blogger blogs like my friends' and found their blogs bright and inviting. I am not really into bright tones right now. Currently I'm liking tones of red. Last year was tones of blue. Yes, I change favorite colors! So, having seen those other blogs, I thought, if  I want people to read my stuff  (even if it might make them regret reading it...haha! i hope not.) I should have a page that's somewhat inviting and would make people think "Hmmm... this looks like a cool blog. I'll go read what she has to say." but won't take away my identity. 

And this is what I came up with:
well, of course you're  going to see it while reading this too but just to add an image to this post. you know. :D

So there. I still got my red and a tad bit dark but it's brighter and better than my old one.

After this sort of post introductory blog (because I made my Introduction yesterday already), be prepared to enter my world. I am giving everyone a free pass into my storybook where I discover life, it's struggles and rewards, experience simple pleasures I will suggest you try, and finally, just living spontaneously.

happy reading!

Fino alla prossima volta!


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